Monday, February 2, 2009

Another Moment From Work (That I'll Never Get Back)

Mike sits at his desk, staring at his screen. Bryan speaks up.

I've moved on from my fascination with the "Stuff White People Like" blog.

Oh yeah?

I am now reading the "Stuff Korean Mothers Like" blog.


These women are brutal. And it's all true.

Mike thinks for a moment. He clicks from one invoice to the next.

Oh that reminds me, I have to drop off some dry cleaning.


  1. OK, I'm offended. Everyone knows that there are also Koreans who cut hair or run Korean Barbeques.

  2. And the dry cleaner next door also happens to be a Korean mom. A crazy Korean mom at that.

  3. Ahjumaaaaaa!

    One of my favorites:

    #22 Believing They Descend From Royalty

    All Korean Moms claim to have decended from Korean royalty. Not just any Korean royalty, but the best dynasty, with the best King and the best rice...ever. Korean Moms also like to claim that they are from the 'purest' line of Kims, or Jongs, or Shins. They will assure you that their last name is like the holy of pure in fact, that people cannot directly look at her lest they burn up and die. They will not only ingrain this fact into you from birth, she will tell you to tell other people of this fact when they ask. No, people will never ask. If it does ever come up among a group Koreans however, at some point all 40 people will look at each other sheepishly and admit that they got this information from their Korean Moms. Let's face it, no one wants to be a szhang-nom/peasant.

  4. This made me laugh out loud. So wrong.
